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Agreement (offer) for the provision of services
Online store, located on the domain name, organizational and legal form: IP Popov Nikolay Vladimirovich, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, on the one hand, and the Customer, on the other hand, together referred to as the Parties, have entered into this agreement (offer) on the following:
1.1.Public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”) is a public offer of the Seller, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons, to conclude an agreement with the Seller for the provision of services remotely (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the terms contained in this Offer, including all Appendices.
1.2. Customer – an individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity, regardless of the organizational and legal form, who applied to the Contractor with an order in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.3. The Contractor is an individual entrepreneur Nikolai Vladimirovich Popov, who provides services to the Customer under the Agreement.
1.4. Services – services for organizing an event in full (or their separate stages, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement), produced independently or with the involvement of other organizations.
1.5. Site – an information resource of the Contractor, located on the Internet at the address:
1.6. Order – an automatically generated document defining the set of Services required by the Customer. The order is formed by filling out the necessary forms on the Contractor’s website and choosing a specific list of services posted on the website:
1.7. Acceptance of the terms of the Agreement – the Customer’s actions to accept the terms of this Agreement, by paying the Invoice Agreement issued by the Contractor, by cash or non-cash funds or electronic means of payment, as well as by confirming familiarization with the terms of this offer agreement by putting a mark in the appropriate window on the website Artist: Acceptance of the terms of the Agreement is considered valid when any of the above actions are performed.
2.1. The order by the Customer of the Service posted on the website of the online store means that the Customer agrees with all the terms of this Offer.
2.2. A specific list of services purchased by the Customer, individual conditions for their provision and the price are determined on the Contractor’s website in the appropriate section.
2.3. The Contractor informs the Customer that for the provision of services by the Contractor, third parties may be involved who directly provide services. In the relationship between third parties and the Customer, the third party who directly provides such a service is responsible for the quality of the services provided.
3.1. The price for each item of the Product is indicated on the website of the online store.
3.2. The Contractor, until the actual payment, has the right to unilaterally change the price for any item of the Goods.
3.3. In the event of a change in the price of the ordered Goods, the Contractor undertakes to inform the Customer about the change in the price of the Goods within 14 days. Informing the Customer is considered to be a change in the price of a service on the website of the online store.
3.4. In the event of a price change on the part of the Contractor’s partners who directly provide the service included in the corresponding package, the Contractor is obliged to inform the Customer no later than 5 days before the date of the service with a proposal to pay the difference. In case of disagreement, the Customer is obliged to notify of his disagreement no later than 2 days before the date of the service. If the Customer refuses within the above terms, the price paid by the Customer shall be refunded within 3 (Three) business days from the date of such refusal.
3.5. If the Customer refuses to execute the Agreement (offer) for the provision of services on the day the service is provided, the amount of money (payment) paid by the Customer as an advance payment or full payment for the service to the Contractor is not refundable, and the service is considered rendered. In this case, the day begins from 00 hours 01 minutes of the date determined by the parties as the date of the service.
3.6. In case of refusal of the Customer from the service, the funds paid by the Contractor to third parties involved by the latter for the provision of services before the Customer’s refusal from the service shall not be refunded to the Customer.
3.7. Payments between the Contractor and the Customer for the Service are made in the ways indicated on the website of the online store
4.1.The order of the Goods is carried out by the Customer through the operator by phone +7 (812) 242-86-28 or through the service of the website of the online store
4.2. The Customer’s acceptance of the terms of this Offer is carried out by the Customer entering the relevant data into the registration form on the website of the online store or when placing an Order through the Operator, or by putting a mark on acceptance of the terms of the Offer in the appropriate section of the site. After placing the Order through the Operator, the data about the Customer is registered in the Contractor’s database.
4.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing the Order.
4.4. The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order.
5.1 The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of services provided by third parties involved.
5.2 When purchasing any services in the sections below:
namely, dates and holidays on the roof of air flights on an airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, skydiving and other gift certificates and extreme dates, the Customer acquires the right to use the certificate, which is valid for 1 to 12 months from the date of payment. The amount of money (payment) paid by the Customer as an advance payment or full payment for the service to the Contractor is not refundable. When purchasing the above certificate, the Contractor acts as an Agent implementing the service provided by a third party (Principal) directly providing the service. The rights and obligations under such a certificate arise directly from the Principal.
5.3. When ordering the services specified in the “extreme dating” section, the Customer undertakes to comply with all safety requirements, behavior at the facility, dress code requirements and other requirements imposed by third parties directly providing services. The rules for the provision of the above services, as well as safety requirements are communicated to the Customer directly by the person providing this service. The Contractor is not responsible for the Customer’s compliance with safety precautions, as well as for the proper performance of their obligations by a third party directly providing the service. If the service is not provided for objective reasons (weather conditions, non-compliance with the requirements for clothing, the Customer is in a state of alcoholic / drug intoxication), the rules for refunding funds are determined directly by the person providing the service.
5.4 The customer is obliged to appear at the time agreed by the Parties to the venue of the event and ensure the attendance of third parties participating in the event, if any. In the event that third parties fail to appear or they refuse to participate in the meeting, the amount of money (payment) paid by the customer as an advance payment or full payment for the service to the Contractor is non-refundable.
5.5 The customer is aware that being in the place chosen by him for the event may involve additional risks to the life and health of the persons participating in the event and undertakes to take all appropriate precautions (do not go to the edge of the roof, do not take any active actions, including including movement, while you are, do not touch the located communications and engineering structures (antennas, cables, power lines), take into account weather conditions (thunderstorm, strong wind, etc.) and possible actions of third parties located at the place of the meeting, and etc.), as well as ensure their observance by third parties.
5.6 The Contractor is not responsible for possible harm caused to the life and health of persons participating in the event, as a result of non-compliance by such persons with the necessary precautions, other inappropriate behavior or as a result of actions (inaction) of third parties.
5.7. The parties are not liable if proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under these conditions in accordance with paragraph 3. of Art. 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
5.8 The Contractor has the right to use all the photographs and video content of the Customer captured under this Agreement to advertise their own services (for their demo portfolio, in publications on their own sites on the Internet)
5.9. Disputes between the Parties are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law with the obligatory prior submission of a written claim. The term for consideration of the claim is 15 working days.
5.10. In case of non-settlement of the dispute in the complaint procedure, the dispute shall be resolved:
5.10.1. If the Customer is a legal entity or an Individual Entrepreneur – in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
5.10.2. If the Customer is an individual – in the Smolninsky District Court of St. Petersburg.
IP Popov Nikolay Vladimirovich
INN 732808256750
OGRNIP 316784700114524
Legal address: St. Petersburg, Sverdlovskaya embankment 58
Phone: 8 (812) -242-86-28
Carefully read the text of the public offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you have the right to refuse to purchase the Services provided by the Contractor and not take the actions specified in clause 2.1. of this Offer.